Spring til indhold

Om Qunhui Mao

Jeg er lægeuddannet med speciale i akupunktur og gynækologi i Kina i 1991 og var tidl. lektor ved Universitetet for Kinesisk Medicin i Beijing. Nu er jeg guest professor hos Jiangxi University of Chinese medicine and a council member of Gynecological Professional Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies.

Jeg er født i Jiangxi-provinsen i det sydlige Kina i 1964. Jeg påbegyndte min skolegang tidligt, og kunne derfor allerede i 1980 lade mig indskrive på medicinstudiet, der siden førte mig til hovedstaden, Beijing.

Efter mangeårig forskning og undervisning i akademisk akupunktur og Kinesisk Medicin, og som forfatter til bøger og artikler, modtog jeg i 1996 et professorat ved samme universitet. Beijings Universitet for Kinesisk Medicin er Kinas og verdens absolut førende fakultet indenfor kinesisk medicin og akupunktur.

I den vestlige verden blev akupunktur i begyndelsen mest kendt for at være en effektiv behandling mod smerter, hvilket jeg har arbejdet meget med tidligere. Men i de seneste mange år har jeg taget skridtet videre og valgt at specialisere mig indenfor områderne allergi og barnløshed. Blandt andet har jeg udviklet mine egne akupunktur metoder mod allergi og barnløshed.

Efter at have behandlet mange klienter mod barnløshed og allergi, kan jeg med glæde konstatere rigtig gode behandlingsresultater. Jeg holder mig ajour med opdateringer inden for fertilitetsområdet og har en dyb og bred forståelse inden for dette felt både hvad angår kinesisk medicin og vestlig medicin.

CV for Qunhui Mao (engelsk)

Born: 1964, Jiangxi, China. Language: Native speaker of Chinese, and fluent in both English and Danish


Born: 1964, Jiangxi, China. Language: Native speaker of Chinese, and fluent in both English and Danish

1988-1991: Master degree of Science in Medicine and specialty in Acupuncture from China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing.

1980-1985: Bachelor Degree of Science in traditional Chinese medicine, Jiangxi College of traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanchang,Jiangxi Province. Graduated with 1st-class honour.

Professional experiences

Owning and practising full time in Akupunktur ved Mao.dk in Copenhagen and lecturing part time. I 2003,  Qunhui Mao assisted Triangen Fertility Clinic  to conducted a trial on acupuncture and IVF. The results was published on Fertil & Steril 2006.

Associate professor, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, teaching acupuncture in both Chinese and English, practising acupuncture in the clinic, and giving medical consultations to foreigners. Providing Acupuncture courses in the Philippines twice (3 months each in 1996 and 1997), invited by the Ministry of Health of the Philippines. In May 1999 and 2000, teaching acupuncture in Norwegian Acupuncture Training Center for one month each in Oslo and Bergen.

Teaching in the Nordic Center of Chinese Medicine, Copenhagen, Denmark

doctor and lecturer, Beijing College of Acupuncture and Orthopedics, teaching both Chinese and foreign students and also treating patients in the college clinic.

Doctor and junior researcher, Jiangxi Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Participated in clinical research of Using Chinese Medicine to Treat Emergencies, which is one of China “7th Five-Year Plan” medical research project. It won the ‘Third Grade National Science Award’ and the ‘Second Grade Jiangxi Scientific Progress Award’.


  1. Acupuncture for the treatment of diminished ovary reserve. World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion. P69-74. Vol. 27, No.3, 30th Sep. 2017.
  2. Co-author: Acupuncture on the Day of Embryo Transfer Significantly Improves the Reproductive Outcome in Infertile Women: A Prospective, Randomized Trial. Fertility and Sterility, p1341 – 1346, vol.85, No. 5, May 2006
  3. The Golden Couples of Points [Duixie], Journal for Norwegians Acupuncturists Hovedorganisasjon, (Nr.1/2,1999)
  4. Effective Points Therapy of Acupuncture (249-page book in English), Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 1998.
  5. A Study of Gynecological Diseases Through Ancient Documents of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, journal, (Issue 1, 1996)
  6. An Analysis of Characteristics of Acupuncture Prescriptions of Gynecological Diseases in Ancient Traditional Chinese Medical Document, Journal of Beijing College of Acupuncture and Orthopedics, (Issue 2, 1995)
  7. Co-author of An Encyclopedia of Chinese Special Acupuncture Techniques, Huaxia Press, Beijing, 1995
  8. Co-author of “A Guide Book of Acupoints Selection for a Hundred Diseases”, Ancient Book Press, Beijing, 1994.
  9. A Summary of Treating Pediatric Diseases with a Single Acupoint, Traditional Chinese Medicine of Jiangxi, (Issue 3,1993).
  10.  A Summary of Treating Diseases of Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat with a Single Acupoint, Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion, (supplementary issue, Harbin, 1993)
  11. A Clinical Report on Curing 9 Cases of Dysuria of Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever with Da Xian Xiong Tang decoction, Traditional Chinese Medicine of Jiangxi, (Issue 3, 1988).